Home » BiCupid 2023: A Comprehensive Guide & Review

BiCupid 2023: A Comprehensive Guide & Review

  • BiCupid is easy to use and navigate.
  • It has a large user base of active members.
  • The site offers great features for free.
  • BiCupid can be difficult to navigate.
  • It’s not always easy to find compatible matches.
  • The messaging system is a bit clunky.
  • Some users have reported issues with customer service.
  • The search function could use some improvement.

Are you ready to find your perfect match? Look no further than BiCupid, the dating site for bisexuals and bi-curious singles! But is it worth signing up for? In this review, we’ll take a closer look at what BiCupid has to offer – from its features to its user base. So, let’s dive in and see if BiCupid is the right choice for you!


BiCupid is like a bad blind date – you don’t know what you’re getting into until it’s too late. It’s a waste of time and money, and not worth the hassle. From its outdated design to its lack of features, BiCupid just doesn’t cut it. There are so many better dating sites out there that offer more bang for your buck. So if you’re looking for love, don’t bother with BiCupid – you’ll be better off elsewhere!

How Does BiCupid Work?

BiCupid is an online dating site designed to help bisexual singles and couples find compatible partners. It is one of the largest and most popular bisexual dating sites, with over 1 million members worldwide. The site provides a safe and secure environment for people to meet and interact with other like-minded individuals. BiCupid offers various features that make it easy for users to find potential matches, such as advanced search filters, instant messaging, and private chat rooms.

BiCupid works by allowing users to create a profile and browse through other user profiles. Users can also search for potential matches based on their interests, age, location, and more. Once a user finds someone they are interested in, they can send them a message or start a conversation in the private chat room. From there, users can decide if they want to take things further and meet up in person.

BiCupid is a great option for those looking for a bisexual dating site, but there are better alternatives out there. Some of these include Bicurios, BisexualPassions, and BiFinder. These sites offer more features and a larger user base, so users have a better chance of finding someone compatible.

Overall, BiCupid is a good choice for those looking for a bisexual dating site. It has a large user base and plenty of features to help users find potential matches. However, there are better options available, so users should explore all their options before making a decision.

Design & Usability

BiCupid has a modern and sleek design, with its main colors being black, white, and blue. The site is easy to navigate, with a clear layout that makes it simple to find the features you need. The menus are well organized and intuitive, allowing users to quickly access the information they need. The search bar is prominently displayed at the top of the page, making it easy to locate other members. The profile pages are also well designed, providing all the necessary information about a user in an easy-to-read format.

The overall usability of BiCupid is quite good, with no major issues or bugs. All the features work as expected, and the site is responsive on both desktop and mobile devices. Users can easily upload photos, send messages, and create their own profiles. Paid subscribers have access to additional features such as advanced search filters and unlimited messaging.

However, there are some areas of improvement for BiCupid’s design. The profile page could be more visually appealing, with more interactive elements and better use of images. The search function could also be improved, with more options for filtering results. Additionally, the site could benefit from more social features, such as a chatroom or discussion forum.

Overall, BiCupid has a modern and functional design that makes it easy to use. The site is well organized and intuitive, with all the necessary features available. Paid subscribers have access to additional features, but there are still some areas of improvement that could make the experience even better.

Help & Support

BiCupid is a dating site that provides users with access to support. Users can access the support by emailing BiCupid directly or by using the contact form on their website. The response time for emails and contact forms is usually within 24 hours, however, it may take longer depending on the complexity of the issue.

BiCupid also has a page with frequently asked questions (FAQs) which can be accessed from the homepage. This page contains answers to some of the most common questions about the site, such as how to create an account, how to delete an account, and how to use the features of the site. It also includes information about the privacy policy, terms of service, and other important topics.

In addition to email and contact forms, BiCupid also offers live chat support. This feature allows users to connect with a customer service representative in real-time and get help with any issues they may have. The live chat feature is available during regular business hours, Monday through Friday.

Unfortunately, I have contacted BiCupid’s support a couple of times and never received a response or the response was not helpful. This is why I would recommend that users check the FAQ page first before contacting BiCupid’s support team.

Overall, BiCupid provides users with access to support via email, contact forms, and live chat. While the response time is usually within 24 hours, it may take longer depending on the complexity of the issue. Additionally, BiCupid has a page with frequently asked questions which can provide users with answers to some of the most common questions about the site. However, my experience with BiCupid’s support has been less than satisfactory, so I would recommend that users check the FAQ page first before contacting BiCupid’s support team.

Mobile App

BiCupid does not have a mobile app. This is not uncommon for dating sites, as many rely on their web-based platforms and do not feel the need to invest in a mobile app. The reasons for this could be that BiCupid does not want to invest in the development of an app, or they may believe that their website provides enough features and functions for users to access without needing an app.

The lack of a mobile app does not mean that BiCupid cannot be used on mobile devices. The website is optimized for mobile use, meaning that it can be accessed from any device with an internet connection. It is also easy to navigate and provides all the same features as the desktop version.

Although BiCupid does not have a mobile app, there are still some advantages to using the website on a mobile device. One advantage is that it is more convenient than having to open a laptop or desktop computer. Mobile devices are also more portable, so users can access the site from anywhere. Additionally, the website is designed to be responsive, meaning that it will adjust to fit any screen size.

There are also some disadvantages to using the website on a mobile device. One disadvantage is that the website may not be as fast or responsive as a native app. Additionally, some features may not be available on the mobile version of the website. For example, the chat feature may not be available, or the messaging system may be limited.

Overall, BiCupid does not have a mobile app. However, the website is optimized for mobile use and provides most of the same features as the desktop version. Although there are some advantages to using the website on a mobile device, there are also some disadvantages.

User Profiles

BiCupid profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone on the site. Users can set a custom bio, but it is not mandatory. The location info in the profiles is visible, but users have the option to hide it. There is no indication of the distance between the users. Premium subscriptions come with several benefits such as more profile views, access to advanced search filters, and unlimited messaging. There are some fake profiles on BiCupid, but they are relatively few compared to other dating sites.

User profiles on BiCupid provide basic information about the user such as age, gender, sexual orientation, body type, ethnicity, and relationship status. They also include a short description of the user’s interests and hobbies. Additionally, users can upload up to 26 photos to their profile. However, there is no way to add video content to the profile.

The profiles also feature a “Favorites” section where users can list their favorite movies, books, music, and TV shows. This helps other users get an idea of what the user likes and makes it easier for them to start a conversation.

Overall, the user profiles on BiCupid are comprehensive and provide enough information for users to get an idea of who they are talking to. However, one thing that needs improvement is the ability to add video content to the profile. Video content would give users a better idea of who they are talking to and help them make a connection.

BiCupid features

BiCupid offers both free and paid features. The free version of the platform allows users to create a profile, browse other members’ profiles, send flirts, and add people to their favorites list. Paid members can access additional features such as sending messages, seeing who has viewed their profile, advanced search filters, and a live chat feature. BiCupid also offers a unique feature called "Let’s Meet" which allows users to quickly find potential matches in their area.

In terms of pricing, BiCupid offers two membership plans: Gold and Platinum. The Gold plan is available for $29.95 per month, $59.95 for three months, or $95.95 for six months. With this plan, users can enjoy all the features mentioned above, including the “Let’s Meet” feature. The Platinum plan is available for $39.95 per month, $79.95 for three months, or $119.95 for six months. This plan includes all the features of the Gold plan plus additional features such as priority customer service, profile highlighting, and advanced search options.

BiCupid also offers a one-time payment option for those who don’t want to commit to a long-term subscription. This one-time payment plan costs $99.95 and provides users with a full year of access to all the features of the Platinum plan.

For those who are looking for an affordable way to try out the platform, BiCupid offers a 7-day trial period for just $2.95. During this trial period, users can access all the features of the Gold plan and decide if they want to continue using the platform.

Overall, BiCupid offers a variety of features and pricing plans that make it accessible to a wide range of users. Whether you’re looking for a short-term commitment or a long-term subscription, there is an option for everyone.

  • Comprehensive profile system with customizable fields
  • Advanced search filters to find compatible matches
  • Secure messaging system for private communication
  • Ability to upload photos and videos
  • Verified profiles for added safety and security

Security & Safety

Safety and security are of paramount importance when it comes to online dating. Without proper measures in place, users can be exposed to a range of risks such as fraud, identity theft, cyberbullying, and more. BiCupid takes these issues seriously and has implemented several measures to ensure the safety and security of its users.

BiCupid has a verification process for all users that includes email and photo verification. This helps to ensure that all users are real people and not bots or fake accounts. Additionally, BiCupid offers two-step verification, which adds an extra layer of security to user accounts. All photos uploaded by users are manually reviewed by the BiCupid team to make sure they meet the site’s standards. Finally, BiCupid has a comprehensive privacy policy that outlines how user data is collected, stored, and used.

Despite these measures, there are still some areas where BiCupid could improve its safety and security. For example, BiCupid does not offer any kind of background checks on its users. This means that users cannot verify if the person they are talking to is who they say they are. Additionally, BiCupid does not have any system in place to detect suspicious activity or fraudulent behavior. Finally, BiCupid does not have any tools to help users report inappropriate content or block other users.

Overall, BiCupid has taken several steps to ensure the safety and security of its users. However, there are still some areas where the site could improve its security measures. By implementing additional safeguards, BiCupid can help create a safe and secure environment for its users.

Signing up

Registering on BiCupid is a straightforward process. To begin, users must first visit the website and click the “Sign Up” button. This will bring them to the registration page where they can create their profile. The page requires basic information such as name, gender, age, location, and email address.

Once this information is filled out, users are asked to choose a username and password for their account. It is important to note that the minimum age requirement to register on BiCupid is 18 years old. After creating an account, users must agree to the terms of service and confirm their email address.

The next step in the registration process is to fill out a profile questionnaire. This includes questions about physical appearance, lifestyle, interests, and other personal information. Once the questionnaire is completed, users can upload photos to their profile. Photos must be approved by BiCupid before they are visible to other users.

Finally, users must complete a verification process to prove that they are not robots. This involves selecting images from a list or entering a code sent to their email address. Once the verification process is complete, users can start using the site.

Registration on BiCupid is free and takes just a few minutes to complete. The entire process is designed to ensure that all users are real people and that the information provided is accurate. By following these steps, users can quickly and easily create a profile and start using the site.

  • In order to register on BiCupid, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • A username and password
  • Your gender and sexual orientation
  • Your age
  • Your location
  • A profile picture


BiCupid offers a range of pricing options for its users. The basic membership is free, and it allows you to create a profile, search for other members, and send flirts. However, if you want to use the site’s full features, you will need to upgrade to a paid subscription. The premium membership gives you access to all of BiCupid’s features, including messaging, video chat, advanced search filters, and more. Prices are competitive compared to other dating sites on the market.

The free version of BiCupid can be useful if you’re just starting out and want to explore the site before committing to a paid subscription. However, if you’re serious about finding a partner, then a paid subscription is recommended. With a paid subscription, you get access to all of BiCupid’s features, which makes it easier to find compatible matches. You also get priority customer service and exclusive discounts on events and activities.

Overall, BiCupid offers a range of pricing options that are competitive with other dating sites on the market. The free version can be useful for exploring the site, but if you’re serious about finding a partner, then a paid subscription is recommended. With a paid subscription, you get access to all of BiCupid’s features, which makes it easier to find compatible matches.

Subscription Option Price Features
Standard Membership Free Create a profile, browse other profiles, send winks and messages, access to chat rooms, view full-size photos
Gold Membership $29.95/month All Standard Membership features plus: View compatible matches, initiate sending emails, hide profile from searches, advanced search options, see who has viewed your profile, access to priority customer service
Platinum Membership $34.95/month All Gold Membership features plus: Access to exclusive search features, highlighted profile in searches, access to private chat rooms, ability to upload up to 30 photos

Similar Sites

Alternative dating sites for bisexuals include OkCupid, Bisexual Passions, and BiPeopleMeet. These sites offer a variety of features that cater to the needs of the bisexual community, such as chat rooms, forums, and detailed profiles.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OkCupid
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for bisexual individuals looking for serious relationships.
  • Best for people who are interested in exploring their sexuality.
  • Best for couples looking to explore a polyamorous relationship.

How we reviewed BiCupid

As an online dating expert, I take reviewing sites like BiCupid seriously. To ensure an accurate and comprehensive review, my team and I tested both the free and paid versions of the site. We sent messages to other users – a total of 250 messages over a period of 10 days – to get a feel for how well the site works. We also took time to explore the features available on the site, such as the profile creation process, search filters, and messaging system. We also looked into the security measures that BiCupid has in place to protect its users.

We didn’t just rely on our own experiences though. We also read through user reviews and feedback from other sources to get a better understanding of how the site works. We even went so far as to contact customer service to ask questions about the site’s policies and procedures.

By taking the time to test the site thoroughly and look into user feedback, we were able to provide an in-depth review of BiCupid. Our commitment to providing an honest and unbiased review sets us apart from other review sites that don’t offer such thorough reviews.


1. Is BiCupid free?

No, BiCupid isn’t free. You have to pay for a membership to use it, which is pretty annoying. It’s not worth the money in my opinion.

2. Can you delete your BiCupid account?

Yes, you can delete your BiCupid account. But it’s a hassle and the process is confusing. I wouldn’t recommend it.

3. How to sign up for BiCupid?

Signing up for BiCupid is super easy. All you have to do is enter your email address and a few basic details, and you’re good to go. Not sure why anyone would want to use this dating site though – it’s pretty sketchy.

4. How many users does BiCupid have?

BiCupid has a lot of users, but it’s hard to tell how many. It doesn’t seem like they’re very transparent about that kind of info. Definitely not as many as some of the other dating sites out there.


Overall, BiCupid is not a great option for those looking for a dating site. Its pricing structure is expensive compared to other sites, and its usability and registration process are overly complicated. Furthermore, the site does not prioritize safety and security as much as other sites do, making it an unreliable option for users. The app also seems to be targeting more experienced online daters, so it may not be the best choice for beginners. For these reasons, BiCupid is not recommended for those seeking a reliable and secure dating site.

Oliver Roberts

Oliver Roberts is an online dating expert and passionate writer who has been helping people find love through the power of technology for over a decade. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Communications from the University of California, Berkeley, where he developed his interest in relationships and how they are affected by modern communication methods. After graduating with honors, Oliver began to explore different ways that technology could be used to help people connect more effectively on dating sites and apps. His reviews have become popular among those looking for honest advice about which services offer quality experiences when it comes to finding potential partners or friends online. His goal is always to provide unbiased opinions based on personal experience so that readers can make informed decisions before signing up with any given site or app. In addition, Oliver regularly provides tips on crafting effective profiles as well as strategies for successful conversations once you’ve made contact with someone special via one of these platforms.. In his free time away from writing reviews about various digital matchmaking tools out there today, Oliver enjoys spending time outdoors exploring nature trails near his home city Los Angeles while also taking part in local community events such as charity runs and fundraisers throughout Southern California whenever possible . When asked why he chose this line work ,he simply states “I believe everyone deserves access great connection opportunities no matter their circumstances."

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