Home » 2023 Dateinasia.com Review: Is It Worth Trying?

2023 Dateinasia.com Review: Is It Worth Trying?

  • Easy to use and navigate
  • Free to join and use
  • Plenty of active members from all over the world
  • Limited features for free users.
  • Difficult to find real people who are serious about dating.
  • Unclear safety protocols for user data.
  • Many fake profiles and scammers.
  • No matchmaking or advanced search options.

Are you looking for love in all the wrong places? Tired of the same old dating sites that don’t seem to get you anywhere? Well, if you’re ready to try something new, Dateinasia.com might be just what you need! But is it really worth your time? Let’s find out! From its user-friendly interface to its unique features, this review will give you an inside look at Dateinasia.com and answer all your burning questions. So, let’s dive in and see if this dating site is the real deal!


Dateinasia.com is like a bad blind date – you’re better off avoiding it altogether! It’s one of those dating sites that promises the world, but delivers nothing more than a headache. Sure, it’s free to join, but you get what you pay for. The profiles are outdated and there’s no way to tell if anyone is actually active on the site. Plus, the customer service is non-existent. All in all, Dateinasia.com is a total waste of time and money. Save yourself the hassle and look elsewhere for love!

How Does Dateinasia.com Work?

Dateinasia.com is an online dating platform that has been around since 2003. It is one of the oldest and most popular Asian dating sites, boasting over 2 million members. The site caters to singles looking for a serious relationship or casual dating. Dateinasia.com offers its users a wide range of features such as free messaging, profile creation, photo galleries, and more.

The sign-up process on Dateinasia.com is straightforward and quick. All you need to do is provide your name, gender, age, email address, and a password. Once you have registered, you can start searching for potential matches. You can use various filters to narrow down your search results, including location, age, interests, and more.

Once you find someone who interests you, you can start communicating with them via the website’s instant messaging system. You can also send virtual gifts to show your interest. Dateinasia.com also has a feature called “Cupid Tags” which allows you to add keywords to your profile so that other users can find you more easily.

Overall, Dateinasia.com is an okay dating site, but there are better alternatives out there. The site does not offer any kind of verification process, so it is important to be cautious when interacting with other users. Additionally, the site is free to use, but there are some restrictions in terms of messaging and other features.

Security & Safety

Safety and security are paramount when it comes to online dating, as users are often sharing personal information with strangers. Dateinasia.com takes this seriously and has implemented a number of measures to ensure the safety of its users.

Dateinasia.com does not have any verification for users, however it does have a strict policy against bots and fake accounts. All new accounts are monitored and any suspicious activity is quickly identified and dealt with. The site also has a two-step verification option available for users who wish to increase their security. Photos are manually reviewed to ensure that they are appropriate and comply with the site’s guidelines. In addition, Dateinasia.com has a detailed privacy policy which outlines how user data is collected, stored and used.

While Dateinasia.com does have a number of measures in place to ensure the safety and security of its users, there are still some areas which could be improved. For example, the site could offer more detailed advice on how to stay safe while using the platform, such as avoiding sharing personal information or meeting up with someone in person. Additionally, the site could introduce a feature which allows users to report suspicious activity or inappropriate behaviour. Finally, the site could offer an option for users to block other users if they feel uncomfortable or threatened.

Overall, Dateinasia.com takes the safety and security of its users seriously and has implemented a number of measures to ensure that its users are protected. However, there are still some areas which could be improved, such as offering more detailed advice on staying safe and introducing features which allow users to report suspicious activity or block other users.

Dateinasia.com features

Dateinasia.com offers both free and paid features. The basic features are free, such as creating a profile, browsing other profiles, sending interest, and communicating with paying members. Paid members can access more advanced features like instant messaging, video chat, and the ability to see who has viewed their profile. There are also unique features on Dateinasia.com, such as a “block list” which allows users to block certain members from contacting them.

Pricing for Dateinasia.com is straightforward and affordable. The site offers two membership plans: Gold and Platinum. The Gold plan costs $29.95 per month and includes unlimited messaging, live chat, and the ability to view full-sized photos. The Platinum plan costs $49.95 per month and includes all of the features of the Gold plan plus additional features such as video chat, advanced search options, and the ability to hide your profile from non-paying members. Both plans offer discounts if you sign up for multiple months at once.

In addition to the membership plans, Dateinasia.com also offers a variety of payment options. You can pay with major credit cards, PayPal, or even cryptocurrency. All payments are secure and encrypted, so you can be sure that your information is safe.

Overall, Dateinasia.com offers an affordable and convenient way to meet new people. With its wide range of features and payment options, it’s easy to find the perfect match. Whether you’re looking for a long-term relationship or just a casual fling, Dateinasia.com has something for everyone.

  • Free to join and use
  • No hidden fees or charges
  • Comprehensive search filters
  • Easy-to-use messaging system
  • Privacy and security features

User Profiles

Dateinasia.com user profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone who visits the website. It is possible to set a custom bio, however it is not mandatory. Location information is included in the profile, but it is possible to hide it if desired. There is no indication of the distance between users, so they must manually search for other users in their area.

Premium subscription offers some benefits such as access to more features and increased visibility on the site. However, these features are not necessary to find a match.

There have been reports of fake profiles on Dateinasia.com, however there is no way to verify this. The website does have measures in place to help identify suspicious accounts.

One aspect of the user profiles that could use improvement is the ability to upload more than one photo. Currently, only one photo can be uploaded, which makes it difficult to get an accurate impression of the user. Additionally, it would be beneficial to have more detailed profile information, such as hobbies, interests, and lifestyle preferences. This would make it easier to find compatible matches.

Mobile App

Dateinasia.com does not have a mobile app. This is somewhat surprising given that many dating sites have their own mobile apps, but Dateinasia.com has chosen to remain app-free. It is possible that the reason for this is because Dateinasia.com is focused on providing a desktop experience and does not feel the need to develop a mobile app. Additionally, it may be that Dateinasia.com has not yet had the resources or time to create an app.

Not having a mobile app could be seen as a disadvantage for Dateinasia.com users. Mobile apps are often preferred by users because they provide a more convenient way to access the site and its features. Additionally, native apps are often faster and more reliable than web browsers. Native apps also tend to offer better user experiences with features such as push notifications and improved navigation. Furthermore, many people prefer to use apps rather than websites when browsing online, so having an app could potentially increase Dateinasia.com’s user base.

On the other hand, there are some advantages to not having a mobile app. Developing and maintaining a mobile app can be costly and time consuming. Additionally, mobile apps must be updated regularly in order to keep up with changes in technology and user needs. Not having an app also means that Dateinasia.com can focus its resources on improving its website instead.

Overall, Dateinasia.com does not have a mobile app. While this may be seen as a disadvantage for some users, it is likely that Dateinasia.com has chosen to remain app-free for practical reasons.

Signing up

Registration on Dateinasia.com is a straightforward process that requires basic information. The minimum age to register is 18 years old and the service is free of charge.

The first step in the registration process is to enter an email address and create a password. Once this is done, the user will be asked to fill out a form with their personal information. This includes gender, date of birth, location, ethnicity, and religion. The user must also provide a valid mobile phone number for verification purposes.

After submitting the form, the user will receive an email containing a verification link. This link must be clicked to confirm the user’s identity and activate the account.

Once the account is activated, the user can log in and complete their profile. This includes uploading a profile picture, writing a brief description about themselves, and selecting interests and hobbies. The user can also specify what type of partner they are looking for.

Finally, the user can start browsing other users’ profiles and sending messages. They can also search for potential matches using the website’s advanced search filters.

Overall, the registration process on Dateinasia.com is simple and straightforward. It requires basic information and a valid mobile phone number for verification. The minimum age to register is 18 years old and the service is free of charge.

  • These are the requirements to register on Dateinasia.com:
  • A valid email address
  • A username
  • A password
  • Your gender
  • Your date of birth
  • Your country of residence
  • An answer to a security question

Design & Usability

Dateinasia.com has a simple and straightforward design with a predominantly white background, making it easy to read the text and navigate the website. The main colors used are black, blue, and grey, which creates a calm and inviting atmosphere. The website is well organized and intuitively laid out, allowing users to easily find what they are looking for. The menus are clearly labeled and the search bar is conveniently located at the top of the page.

The usability of Dateinasia.com is quite good. All the necessary features are easily accessible and the website runs smoothly. There are no major issues when it comes to loading times or navigation. The website also provides helpful tutorials and FAQs that can be accessed from the homepage.

Although Dateinasia.com offers a free subscription, users can upgrade to a paid subscription to access additional features such as unlimited messaging, advanced search filters, and priority customer support. These features make the website more user-friendly and improve the overall experience.

Overall, Dateinasia.com has a solid design and is easy to use. However, there are some areas that could be improved. For example, the website could benefit from more customization options for users, such as the ability to change the font size or color scheme. Additionally, the website could be made more mobile-friendly by optimizing the layout for smaller screens. Finally, more detailed profile information would help users find more compatible matches.

Help & Support

Dateinasia.com provides support to its users through various channels. Users can access the support by visiting the website and clicking on the “Contact Us” link located at the bottom of the page. This will take them to a form where they can submit their query or issue. The response time for this method is usually within 24 hours.

Alternatively, users can contact Dateinasia.com via email at [email protected]. This method is more reliable as it has a faster response time than the web form. However, some users have reported that they never received a response from Dateinasia.com when using this method.

In addition to these methods, Dateinasia.com also provides a page with frequently asked questions (FAQs). This page is a great resource for users who want to find answers to common questions about the site. It covers topics such as account setup, billing, profile settings, and other features.

Overall, Dateinasia.com provides a variety of support options for its users. While the response time may not always be satisfactory, the FAQ page is a great resource for users who want to find answers to their questions quickly.


Dateinasia.com offers a range of pricing options for its users. For those who want to take advantage of the full range of features, there is a paid subscription available. This includes access to advanced search functions, unlimited messaging, and the ability to see who has viewed your profile. The prices are competitive compared to other dating sites on the market.

For those who don’t want to pay, Dateinasia.com still offers a good experience. You can use the basic search function, send messages, and view profiles. However, you won’t be able to take advantage of the more advanced features or see who has viewed your profile. Compared to other dating sites, this may feel limiting, but it is still possible to find potential matches without paying.

Subscription Option Price Features
Free $0 Create a profile, browse other profiles, send and receive messages, add users to your favorites list.
Premium $19.99/month Unlimited messaging, no ads, advanced search filters, view who visited your profile, and get priority customer support.

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to Dateinasia.com include OkCupid, Plenty of Fish, and Match.com. These sites offer a variety of features for singles looking to meet someone special, including detailed profiles, messaging systems, and matchmaking algorithms.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OKCupid
  • Tinder
  • Bumble

Best for

  • Best for singles looking for a serious relationship.
  • Best for people who want to meet someone from another culture.
  • Best for those who are open to exploring different types of relationships.

How we reviewed Dateinasia.com

As an online dating expert, I and my team took a deep dive into Dateinasia.com to provide an in-depth review. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site, spending several days on each. During this time, we sent out over 200 messages to other users to get a feel for how the site works. We also read through user reviews, paying special attention to any complaints or warnings. We then analyzed the site’s features, looking at things like its messaging system, search filters, and user safety protocols. Finally, we spent time researching the company behind the site, making sure it was reputable and trustworthy. Our commitment to providing an unbiased and thorough review sets us apart from other review sites that don’t offer such detailed reviews.


1. Is Dateinasia.com safe?

Dateinasia.com is not a safe dating site. It’s full of scammers and fake profiles, so I wouldn’t recommend it. You’re better off looking for love elsewhere.

2. Can you delete your Dateinasia.com account?

Yes, you can delete your Dateinasia.com account but it’s a real hassle to do so. The process is overly complicated and time consuming. It’s really not worth the effort.

3. How does Dateinasia.com website work?

Dateinasia.com is a dating site that allows users to create profiles and search for potential matches. It’s not the most reliable or secure way to meet people, and I wouldn’t recommend it. It’s not worth the time or effort.

4. Is Dateinasia.com real?

Yes, Dateinasia.com is real, but it’s not the best dating site out there. It’s full of scammers and fake profiles, so I wouldn’t recommend it. There are much better options available.


Overall, Dateinasia.com is not a great option for those looking for a serious relationship or even casual dating. It lacks in safety and security features, has a limited user base, and is not very user-friendly. Additionally, the registration process is tedious and requires a lot of personal information. The pricing model is also not ideal, as it charges users to send messages and access other features. All in all, this site is better suited for those who are looking for a casual fling or hookup, rather than a long-term relationship.

Emily White

Emily White is an online dating expert who has dedicated her life to helping others find love. She's passionate about using technology and data-driven insights to create a more successful, enjoyable experience for those seeking relationships through the digital world. Emily graduated from Northwestern University with a degree in Communications and Psychology, where she developed an interest in how people interact on social media platforms such as Tinder or Bumble. After college, Emily decided to pursue this passion further by launching her own blog focused on reviewing various dating sites and apps available today - offering advice based off of personal experiences as well as research conducted into what makes each platform unique. Since then she has become one of the most sought after voices when it comes to navigating modern day romance; having been featured across numerous publications including Cosmopolitan Magazine, The New York Times & Forbes Online among many others! Beyond writing reviews for different platforms however; Emily also offers private consultations via Skype or Zoom which allow clients access personalized guidance tailored specifically towards their individual needs – whether that be creating better profiles/messages or understanding compatibility issues within existing relationships they may have encountered along their journey so far! In addition; over the years she’s hosted multiple workshops aimed at teaching singles how best use these services while avoiding common pitfalls associated with them – ensuring everyone can get maximum benefit out of whatever service they choose without wasting time (or money). All this combined make her one of the leading authorities when it comes getting your happily ever after online…

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