Ah, the world of online dating. It’s been a wild ride for me over the past few years – I’ve tried out so many different sites and apps that it’s hard to keep track! From Tinder to Bumble, Hinge to Grindr…you name it, I’ve probably given it a go.

And boy has this industry grown in recent times! It seems like every day there’s another new site or app popping up on my radar – all vying for attention from singles around the globe. Not only do we have your traditional big players (Match & eHarmony), but now there are also niche options catering specifically towards certain groups; whether you’re looking for an Asian connection with EastMeetEast or wanting something more same-sex oriented with Her/OkCupid LGBTQ+. The list goes on and on…it can be overwhelming at times trying to figure out which one is right for you!

But don’t worry folks – as someone who has experienced first hand what these platforms offer, allow me tell ya: they ain’t all bad news. In fact some of them can actually help take away much of that initial awkwardness when meeting people offline by allowing us get acquainted virtually before taking things further in person if both parties feel comfortable doing so (which is always nice). So why not give ’em a try? Who knows where life will take you next?!

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The 15 Best Dating Sites and Apps for Singles

How We Determine Which Sites & Apps Are Better

As an online dating expert, I take my job seriously. My team and I have a rigorous process for reviewing dating sites and apps to ensure that we are providing the most accurate information possible. We start by testing both free and paid versions of each site or app, taking time to explore all features available on each platform before moving forward with our review. We also send messages to other users – typically around 50-100 per site/app – in order to get a feel for how conversations flow within the community as well as gauge response times from potential matches (which can range anywhere from 1 day up to 3 weeks). This helps us understand what kind of experience you might expect when using these services yourself. Finally, we spend days researching user reviews across various platforms such as Trustpilot & Google Reviews so that we can gain insight into any common complaints about certain sites or apps before making our final recommendation(s). It’s this level of commitment which sets us apart from other review sites who don’t offer such comprehensive assessments!


1. What are the best Asian dating sites?

I’ve tried a few Asian dating sites and my favorite is definitely EastMeetEast. It’s super easy to use, the people on there are really friendly, and it has tons of great features that make finding your perfect match easier than ever. I also like Date in Asia for its huge user base and because you can message anyone without having to pay anything. Lastly, Filipino Cupid is worth checking out if you’re looking for someone from the Philippines specifically!

2. What are the best dating apps for transgender people?

I’ve tried a few different dating apps for transgender people and I’d say the best ones are Transdr, Thurst, OkCupid and HER. They all have great features like private chat rooms or live streaming options that make it easy to meet other trans folks in your area. Plus they’re free so you can’t go wrong!

3. What are the best British dating apps?

I’ve tried a few British dating apps and my favourites are Bumble, Hinge and Happn. They all have great features that make it easy to find someone special in the UK. Plus they’re free so you can’t go wrong!

4. How do dating apps work?

Dating apps work by connecting you with other singles in your area. You can browse profiles, send messages and even set up dates all from the comfort of your own phone or computer. It’s a great way to meet new people without having to leave home!