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The Perfect Response to Hey on Tinder

Are you stuck on what to say when someone says “hey” on Tinder? Do you want to stand out from the crowd and make a great first impression? If so, this article is for you! We’ll show you how to respond to “hey” in a way that’s sure to pique your match’s interest. From clever comebacks to funny one-liners, we’ve got you covered. So, let’s get started!

The Dos and Don’ts of Responding to "Hey" on Tinder

When you’re using a dating app, one of the most important things to remember is that you don’t want to come off as too eager. That means avoiding anything overly enthusiastic in your response to someone’s opening line. So when it comes to responding to “hey” on Tinder, there are definitely some dos and don’ts you should keep in mind.

Keep It Simple

The best way to respond to “hey” on Tinder is with something simple and casual. A few examples of appropriate responses could include: “Hi!”, “What’s up?”, or even just “Hey!” This keeps the conversation light and breezy, which is often the goal when it comes to online dating.

Avoid Compliments

Another thing to avoid when responding to “hey” on Tinder is giving out compliments. While it may seem like a nice gesture, it can actually come across as desperate or insincere. Instead, focus on getting to know the person better by asking questions or making small talk.

Ask Questions

Asking questions is a great way to get the conversation going and show the other person that you’re interested in getting to know them. When responding to “hey” on Tinder, try to ask an open-ended question that will give the other person room to elaborate. For example, instead of asking “what do you do for fun?”, try asking “what’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done?”

Be Witty

Humor is always a great way to break the ice and make a good first impression. When responding to “hey” on Tinder, try to be witty and creative with your answer. For instance, if they say “hey”, you could reply with something like “Is that all you got?” or “I was expecting more than that.” This shows that you have a sense of humor and can help set the tone for the rest of the conversation.

Keep It Short

It’s important to remember that the goal of responding to “hey” on Tinder is to start a conversation, not write a novel. Try to keep your response short and sweet so that the other person has room to respond. If you find yourself typing out long paragraphs, take a step back and reevaluate what you’re saying.

Follow Up

Once you’ve responded to “hey” on Tinder, make sure to follow up with the other person. Ask them how their day is going, comment on something they said, or share a funny story. This will show that you’re engaged in the conversation and interested in getting to know them better.

Don’t Overthink It

Finally, it’s important to remember that you don’t need to overthink your response to “hey” on Tinder. Just keep it simple and genuine, and the conversation should flow naturally from there. With a bit of practice, you’ll soon be able to respond to “hey” on Tinder without any hesitation.

“Be Bold, Be Witty: How to Respond to ‘Hey’ on Tinder”

  • Start with a simple, yet effective response. Something like "Hey there!" or "What’s up?" can be a great way to start the conversation.
  • Ask an open-ended question that requires more than a yes/no answer. This will show your interest in getting to know them better and spark an interesting conversation.
  • Show enthusiasm! Let them know you’re excited to chat with them by adding exclamation points, emojis, etc.
  • Make sure your response is appropriate for the situation. If they sent you a generic "hey" message, then don’t go into too much detail about yourself right away.
  • Keep it light and fun. Avoid heavy topics like religion, politics, etc. until you get to know each other better.
  • Don’t be afraid to be creative. Feel free to make jokes, puns, or come up with funny stories to share.
  • Make sure to end your response with something that encourages further conversation. Asking a follow-up question or making a statement that allows them to respond can help keep the conversation going.

Wrapping it Up: How to Respond to ‘Hey’ on Tinder

Well, there you have it. We’ve given you some great ideas on how to respond to “hey” on Tinder. Whether you want to keep it light and playful or go for something more serious, the key is to be yourself and let your personality shine through. So don’t be afraid to show off your witty side! Have fun with it, and who knows – maybe you’ll find your perfect match!


1. What should I say in my first message on Tinder?

Hi there! It’s nice to meet you. How are you doing today? Let’s chat and get to know each other.

2. How can I make a good impression on Tinder?

  1. Show your personality in your bio and photos.
  2. Start conversations with something unique or funny.
  3. Be honest, friendly, and respectful.

3. What are some tips for making conversation on Tinder?

Ask open-ended questions. Show interest in the other person’s interests.

4. How do I know if someone is interested in me on Tinder?

Look out for frequent messages, a lot of likes on your profile and if they ask you out! They’re probably interested. Good luck!

Lucy Mitchell

Lucy Mitchell is an online dating expert and author with a passion for helping others find love. She has been writing reviews on various dating sites and apps since 2015, when she was inspired to take up the task after her own success story in finding true love through one of them. Growing up, Lucy had always dreamed of being able to help people find their soulmates - something that wasn't easy for her as a teenager growing up in rural England. After graduating from university with degrees in psychology and sociology, she decided it was time to put all those years of studying into practice by becoming an advocate for singles looking for meaningful relationships online. Since then, Lucy has written countless articles about how best to navigate the world of modern romance using digital platforms such as Tinder or Bumble – not only giving advice but also reviewing each site's features so users can make informed decisions before signing up. Her honest yet compassionate approach makes readers feel like they are talking directly with someone who understands what they're going through while offering practical solutions at every step along the way! In addition to writing reviews on popular dating websites/apps (including Matchmaking Services), Lucy also hosts webinars where participants learn everything there is know about successful navigating today’s ever-changing landscape of internet courtship rituals! Whether you're just starting out or already have experience under your belt; whether you want some tips & tricks or need more comprehensive guidance; whatever your needs may be - chances are good that if it involves anything related to meeting potential partners online...you'll get great value from attending one these sessions hosted by none other than our very own Dating Guru: Ms., Lucy Mitchell herself!

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